
BioDEN closing event

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The BioDEN project has nearly come to an end. This project aimed to develop and test full-fledged substitutes of petrochemical-based mineral fertilisers from digestate, hereby creating new business cases and revenues for the biogas sector while decreasing our dependency on fossil resources. By setting up innovative technology cascades, the project wanted to enhance the biogas production and recover nutrients (N and P) from digestate (fractions) while simulating the overall economic and ecological value of those cascades.

Are you triggered to find out more about technologies beyond the state-of-the-art such as vacuum stripping, ammonia scrubbing with alternative acids, phosphorous recovery as struvite or with biochar and phosphate leaching with scrubbing liquids? Join us at the online closing event of the BioDEN project on the 18th of April from 15h00 to 16h00 (CET).


With the support of:


Project partners:   
Biogas-E, KU Leuven, Ghent University, Marmara University, VCM and Ostim Enerjik   
